
Born into the aftermath of World War II in Dortmund, Germany, Lothar Birkner
earned a Masters in Philosophy at Münster College and studied Theology.
After a successful career as a head Accountant for a public trading company his employment was terminated because he refused to trick fellow employees out of their severance pay

Birkner’s loss of fortune led to a stint as a taxi driver and his first book in English language, “Whoever Kills The Innocent” a fiction about the human condition entwined with today’s war on terrorism, inspired by several events in recent past. It’s a thriller about things that could happen every day, but it’s a message too, that hatred is never the right way and there is no order of God to fight each other.

He has published 3 Books in German language “ Gott aber schweigt“ , „Die Macht des Schicksals“ and „Und die da reden von Vergessen“. All are thrillers giving excitement and thoughtfulness to the reader.

5 Gedanken zu “About

  1. Dear Lothar, I went to several of your blogs and discovered we hold many of the same opinions. Speaking as a mid-western American to my many European friends I have noted that the seeming endless rise of the bigot version of the Republican party is not on very solid ground. Our recent local elections have sent a bunch of them packing and replaced them with more rational progressive types. Also, almost daily we have demonstrations against the various Trumpite crap and our local paper (which calls itself Republican) covers responsibly those demonstrations. To para-phrase W. Churchill, „this is not the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning“.
    Glad you are one of my followers and hope you share my rather peculiar blog, I think you might like this Saturday’s (May 13)…
    Herb Eaton

    Gefällt 1 Person

  2. Hallo Lothar, Ich wohnte in Aachen zwei Jahre, wo ich lehrte Englisch auf RWTH, aber mein deutsch ist noch nicht so gut. Ich bin jetzt in Mexico, meine Bucher und blog zu schreiben und Spanisch zu lernen. I hope to read some of your thoughts in German and English. Gary


  3. Guten Morgen Herr Birkner,

    Ihren Blog finde ich toll, ganz speziell den Artikel über „Gott und die Seenotrettung“ finde ich sehr berührend. Deshalb würde ich ihn gerne auf der Webseite OMASGEGENRECHTS.Berlin einstellen. Natürlich mit Link zu Ihrer Webseite und Ihren Kontaktdaten auf Twitter und Facebook, wenn Sie wollen. Wir nehmen bei unserer Arbeit kein Geld in die Hand, können also Beiträge auch nicht bezahlen. Aber: Sie gewinnen dadurch noch mehr Berliner Fans.
    Wenn Sie einverstanden sind, bitte Nachricht an OMASGEGENRECHTS.Berlin
    Ihnen und uns allen einen schönen Tag!


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